Alloy 625 (UNSN06625)
Werkstoff 2.4856
Alloy 625, known also for its trademark denomination Inconel 625 (Special Metals), is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum-niobium grade which provides unique corrosion resistant capabilities, ideal alloy for welding and machining.
Chemical Analysis:
Typical Values (Weight %)
Cr 20,0-23,0
Ni 58,0 min
Mo 8,0-10,0
Co 0,0-1,0
Nb+Ta 3,15-4,15
Al 0,00-0,04
Ti 0,00-0,04
C 0,0-0,10
Fe 0,0-5,0
Mn 0,0-0,5
Si 0,0-0,5
P 0,0-0,015
S 0,0-0,015
Mechanical Properties:
Yield strength 0.2% 60 ksi
Tensile strength 120 ksi
Elongation at break 30 %
Resists corrosion
Resists heat
Resists oxidation
Resists carburisation
Resists seawater
High strength
Non magnetic
Commonly Uses:
Preserving product purity in handling of foods, synthetic fibres, alkalis
Nuclear reactor core and control rod components
Bubble caps, tubing, reaction vessels, distillation columns, heat exchangers,
transfer piping and valves
Wire rope, propellor blades, propulsion motors, sheathing for undersea
communication cables
High strength fasteners
Density: 8.44 gm/cm3